Friday, August 30, 2013

Experience is a precious thing. Ask an amateur the value or the price he will pay to become perfect at what he aspires to achieve. i had a recent incident too where all my experience seemed to just melt away and i felt totally raw and empty . As if i had never performed that task ever. But more than the details i would like to draw you attention to that feeling which can strike one at any age and time. Have you ever felt that way, so totally empty raw that it scares the living day lights out of you. That feeling of helplessness is like falling down a cliff in slow motion, knowing very well that the end is just a few fleeting moments away. 

Having said that , how would you describe your feeling when you have woken up from a bad dream only to realize that indeed it is not true and you are actually , physically safe. Well fortunately these feelings of panic or of insecurity is nothing but just like those fleeting moments of insecurity which seem very real but are not so , and we wake up to an awakening that we can pull back what could have been lost forever, and this battle of pull and push continues to attach itself to everything that one does. Now how many pulls we can endure and how many pushes we can tolerate....well that will describe our journey!

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